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Our Annual Art Project for 2016 is here…

So, after the success of this year’s WhatIsItToBeHuman? project, we have another open submission art project for you guys to get involved in and it’s a little earlier than you may have been expecting.

As we did with our last project, we are partnering with the brilliant Creative Arts Network on this one and want to get as many of you guys involved as possible. The theme is ‘madebymotive’and it is looking to get a glimpse at what is going on behind your work- your motivations. Submissions should explore either what motivates you to create in your chosen discipline or the journey shaping the motivation of an individual project. The full brief is here and the deadline for submissions is 10th January 2016.

If you’re struggling to get started, the latest edition of Hue magazine will give you a very good starting place. It features 12 creatives from different disciplines, exploring the trigger behind their creative practice. You can get it here.

Selected work will be displayed in a series of exhibitions- both online and physical- and details of these will follow. Creative Arts Network have a growing reputation and reach and this project gives you a great opportunity to explore what fires you as an artist as well as offering the potential of a fantastic platform for your work.

I recognise that this is a little different to what we’ve done in previous years and while there may be links with the Catalyst Festival for some of the final work, the festival will not act as the focal point of this project as before. However, do not fear, we have something quite different up our sleeves for the festival this year regarding how we will get you guys involved and creating, but to find out more about that, you will have to wait until the New Year…

2 thoughts on “Our Annual Art Project for 2016 is here…

  1. “Wait until new year” re Catalyst festival this May?
    A few folk have commented that it’s not very clear what’s happening re art for Catalyst Festival 2016. Could you clarify?
    Like the site by the way!

  2. Hi Richard. Sorry for the delay. It is largely down to the fact that ee are still finalising details of the art exhibition for the festival ourselves! The MadebyMotive project is going to be our main open submission project of the year, which may feature in some form at the festival. We are varying things a bit this year and planning to do a larger open submission project for next year. Rest assured though there will be lots for artists at the festival! (Seriously, there will be LOTS 😉 )

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