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To Make Others Happy Through Music

Easter holidays beckoning, todolist sufficiently shrunk, I sat down this morning to finally read Tim Keller’s ‘Every Good Endeavour’. Haven’t even made it to the foreword yet, because of the opening quote…

During the year 1957, I experienced, by the grace of God, a spiritual awakening which was to lead me to a richer, fuller, more productive life. At that time, in gratitude, I humbly asked to be given the means and privilege to make others happy through music. I feel this has been granted through His grace. ALL PRAISE TO GOD.

This album is a humble offering to Him. An attempt to say “THANK YOU GOD” through our work, even as we do in our hearts and with our tongues. May He help and strengthen all men in every good endeavor.

It is from the liner notes to John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme.

I don’t think I need to add to that.

1 thought on “To Make Others Happy Through Music

  1. […] his book on the topic of work ‘Every Good Endeavour’ and having just about got part the excellent opening quote, I found that the book continued in a similar vein. What’s more, it has a lot more to say […]

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